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Saturday, September 8, 2012

PlayIT - Your guide games for android

Currently it is almost impossible not to use our smartphone as an aid to keep track all kind of informative news. However, in the field of video games Android lacks an informative guide that presents the user with what's new and potential recommendations.
PlayIT fills this fails, bringing near you a complete guide of games. This application was developed by programmer Portuguese André Sousa.

The PlayIT is an excellent tool ideal and essential for anyone who is a lover of the world of video games. With it we can see what the most popular games and what the latest news. Featuring every game for a vast amount of information eg their overall scores, photos, videos, games recommended, faqs, cheats and more.
It is very easy to use and presents a simple interface and elegant. As can be seen in the following photos:

Lets also view games by platform, see what the best and worst games ever, look for a game and even a page dedicated to you. This last one can access saved games, the last ten games and still shared the application settings. 

Main features:
  • Does not require any kind of registration;
  • Allows sharing of information about games;
  • Presents the most popular games and news;
  • Lets check faqs and cheats for every game;
  • Presentation of images and videos about each game;
  • Recommendations games;
  • Search games;
  • All presented with a simple interface and modern.
The application is available for free but also has a paid version (0.79 €) that adds widgets to the free version and also the fact that it is free advertising ( PlayIT Pro ).

Licença: Freeware
Sistemas Operativos: Android 2.1 +
Download: Playit [783 kb] 


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